Full Price List

Min. 5 night stay - prices for guests staying with us only.
Different prices apply for rental and lessons for guests not staying with us and only if we have availability.


Accommodation at the Kitehouse

All include accommodation, 3 meals a day, free use of SUP, Bikes and Kayaks and other extras. See what´s included.

Premium 👤 👤👤
Per night $150 $205
Big Cabin 👤 👤👤
Per night $140 $195
Small Cabin 👤 👤👤
Per night $120 $175
Single 👤
Per night $100
Tent 👤 👤👤
Per night $80 $130
Dorm 👤
Per night $70

Kitesurf Rental

The latest equipment from Duotone and Core Kiteboarding. Foil Rental is only for the foil board.

Kite Rental 👤
Per day $60

Kitesurf Courses

All Courses include equipment for the time of the course and equipment rental after the course. The foil package only includes foil rental after the course.

Beginner 👤
5 Days $500
Upgrade +$400 private lessons
Extra Day +$60
Intermediate 👤
5 Days $450
Upgrade +$240 private lessons
Extra Day +$60
Refresher 👤
5 Days $410
Extra Day +$60


Airport Transfers: $100 max. 2 People same route
Additional person: $15 | Additional stop: $20